...so... something you all have been waiting for...

...we went for lunch afterwards liz, sean and i.... well... another stunning image there... :
...had cancer genetics class afterwards... and then off to the SDP meeting with brendan and rob... i ran into toan and went down to the collegian to see Eric about the media passes for the UMass vs Northeastern game in boston on the 25th... thought i would go down to boston on sunday and check out the game up close... should be fun if everything comes through...
...had to shoot a meeting at SOM for the collegian... and then... finally... after a long long day... back home at 8... or was it 7... who cares...
anyway... i havent seen ricky in a while... so when he called about some help to setup his home theater system... i decided to go over... fixed up the speaker... and had a game of mortal kombat armageddon... wow... what a freakin game... i love MK... and this version has all characters starting from MK 1... god i died and went to heaven....
apparently it started snowing while i was there... so after i got back... i drove up to campus to photograph the snowy campus... wow... what a view... and isnt it fun to drive the car in the snow... it fish tails and stuff... :D... i am def a happy camper... walked and drove around campus for an hour... nearly wet and probably suffering from hypothermia... got back at 12 or 1... i think...
the next few hours are a blurr.... anyways... here i am... still awake writing this...
not a boring day... well... i didnt get time to think about it... so... maybe i can find ways to make it sound boring... but that for another time...
oh yea... an amusing fact... while walking with toan... and thinking of how to offend people... came up with something... if you are really pissed at some... say:
"fuck you...(...pause...).... and your forefathers...."
note: its all about the pause... the longer the pause... the higher up in the geneaology you are going... so... the more forefathers u are.... u know what i am gettin at....