
...so... i got inspired by this friend of mine to write a blog... sean to be exact: www.tulsamherst.blogspot.com/
...anyway... reading his stuff... i thought... "wow... he is a good writer... and a really interesting person... and he is sharing all his thoughts with us"
...well... i am not intelligent and i rarely have 'shareable' experiences or thoughts... but i do laugh at myself a lot... so thought i will share the thoughts so we can all laugh... at me... and have a rackus...
...reason for the clean look (shaved and short hair): well... i have been having this feeling that... everytime i walk into starbucks... everyone seems to be on AMBER alert, looking at me weird... i reach to get my camera out from my bags... and they seem to be looking for their cell phones... hmmm... i thought... too much trouble... lets try and blend in for once... :D obviously... i will still be the balck sheep in the herd...
...couple of good things did happen this weekend... got in the shower with two other guys and photograph ourselves... printed 2 copies of 16 by 20 inch black and white prints out of my xpan negatives... simply STUNNING... saw Kara, probably for last time before she leaves for costa rica... oh yea... and made fun of Pat... :P... sorry... i hope u can forgive me... i saw her for the first time this semester... and the first thing she said was... "...i hate u nafis..." i think thats the last thing she said to me too... two hours later... oh yea... our whole conversation was puntuated by that phrase as well... hmmm... now that i think of it... i wasnt very nice today...
damn... probability homework... will try and continue the documentation of my boring life soon...
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