Wednesday, July 19, 2006

...old EXPs: baby in a bucket...

SB-15 on a D70

flash mode A

i think the lighting i ended up using is very interesting. the SB-15 seems to work really well in A mode... with the D70 in this case... it work amazingly well... i have had luck using thw strobe with the 180mm lens and still got amazing results with bounced flash ...

in this image the light is bounced of the wall on the left... f6.3 at 1/60th

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

...EXP 3: standing green...

...hey all... here is another trial from yesterday... the results came out quite nice... so... here it is...

again, two SB800 setup... group C is in the box and set at -1.3ev and group B is on the chair set at -3.0ev... both are set to ittl wireless i wanted the DOF to be decent... but not too much... the aperture set is f7.1 at 1/250...

...a cardboard box and a frosted clip file was used... :D

i liked how the shadows played out... and the veins in the leaf...

thoughts... suggestions... as always...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

...EXP 2: multiple SB800s...

gear used: nikon d70
lights: 3 SB800s

this really is my first real attempt playing around with the nikon CLS system(excuse my bad teeth)... i really wasnt feeling like france WIN against spain... when spain was actually playing better... so decided to play around with the new flashes i had just gotten...

the main light coming from the right is a SB800 (set as group A) on a Slik camera stand.... there is a Fill light SB800 (group B) on the left on a pillow on the ground... the third SB800 is on the camera set to master.

group A is set to TTL -1EV
group B is set to TTL -3EV

shutter speed is around 1/15th and 1/8th with aperture at f5.6 or 8.

i really like how the subject(myself) was caught pretty crisply even at such a slow shutter speed. also thought including the television might be a good idea... so did...

hope this helps... let me know if you have any questions... or maybe suggestions on how to improve these images... we go...(EXP 1 strobes underwater)


Nikonos II and SB-15.
film used: Fuji 400.

the nikons is an amazing rangefinder, well if you can call it that. no metering what so ever, absolutely manual. its flash sync is at 1/60th. the SB-15 was in a rollei E 34 underwater housing.

this was the first time shooting really manually with a flash. so this is what i did. i knew shooting the SB15 in automatic might not work underwater. the light from the unit will probably get reflected in the plastic housing and fool the flash meter. firing it in M mode might be too much power for the image. so i put the flash into strobe mode. for the SB15, this results in a flash output of 1/13th full power. then i metered the ambient light around the pool with a sekonic L358. i knew i wasnt shooting too deep so there probably would be some ambient light involved.
what ever reading i got from the meter, i opened up the aperture 2 stops just to make sure i take into account the light lost underwater.

well... what you see above is the result. the strobe was placed to your left. focusing was done manually. i think the s-stop for this photo was around 5.6.

any questions... let me know... i found a leak in the rewind shaft... so will have to fix that before i take it underwater again... :D

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

...a bit of inTro....

i have never 'blogged' before... so this should be really interesting...

anyway, mostly i am going to be documenting my experiments in photography... especially with strobes...

i am a Nikon user... so grabbed a copy of "the speed of light" when it came out... and WOW!!! some amazing stuff... anyway... last month i decided to get some strobes to try out studio photography.... my choices were either the Alien Bees... or SB800's

needless to say, went with the SB800's... i want to do onlocation lighting setups, and i dont think the alien bees with the heavy power packes would offer me as much as the nikon speedlights... so there it was... part of my summer earnings gone to B and H... what i got? here it is...

2 SB800's, Manfrotto 3398B and a flash hotshoe(sadly something is wrong with it, and it doesnt work... sucks... should just send it back... but probably would end up costing me more)

the Manfrotto 3398B is pretty amazing. its a lightstand that can be converted to a boom. very useful if i want to have a SB800 as a top light. will post a setup soon.

let me know if you have any questions about any of the above... i will try and let you know about the experience i had with it...

Monday, July 03, 2006

...first post...

hello everyone... this is my try at blogging... hopefully i will try and update my blog throughout its existance, frequently...

will post more stuff soon...

keep coming back...