...so...aspen chase...

so... there i was... ready for a busy day... bio550 class... work on the cancer genetics paper... cancer genetics class... hand in the paper... and then my final photoshoot with the fire dept... later in the night... three fire trucks... two ambulances... melissa... jamal... and mariah as my model... what a great day planned ahead...
met liz readin up for her final presentation while i was walking to class... she has an amazing job in NY... so will be leaving after this semester... i will miss her dearly...
anyway... being the ideal student... i walk into class... and our prof as usual has a lot of videos ready for us to watch... animal behaviour... so its basiclaly monkeys jumping around and fighting aroudn for mates... hahaha... oh well... 5 mins into the class... my pager went off... box alarm.... "structure fire at Aspen chase" i knew where it was... so decided to skip class... and be the ideal on call photographer... hahaha
took b43 downtown... and then just ran... RAN a mile down main street to aspen chase... i got there just before the ladder truck did... wow... i could see the smoke a couple of blocks... the fire was just coming through the roof... everyone was runing around... and i oculd hear over the radio that the fire wasnt under control...

...i was photographing inside the police lines... so this cop comes up to me and goes... ahh.... buddy... you gotta be outside that yellow line... the Asst Chief was standing right next to me... and he goes... "its all right... he is photographing for us" hahaha... sweet...
the next two hours... i just ran around... Mary told me yesterday that Ryan lived at that apt... sorry ryan... i hope all get well... and u are allowed back into you place soon...
the fire was put out by the ladder truck... it was getting too dangerous... so they pulled out all the firemen... on my way back... i was getting ready to leave... but wanted to see if the Dept was still training that night... for the photoshoot...walking upto George... i was stopped by another cop... this time he was pretty serious... and was determined to get me out of the yellow zone... george saw me talking to him... so came up and told him that i had the Asst chiefs permission to photograph... so he left me alone... five mins into my conversation this old fellow... in a civil dress with his walkie talkie come up to us...and goes... you have to leave... :P i was like... ok ok... i am about to leave anyways... i dont want trouble... :-D
apparently the Asst chief found out that they kicked me off... he later told George that... they will get me a fire fighter helmet, i woudlnt mind one of those cool jackets too, next time so that i dont get bothered.... :D
i dont think they have found the cause... but i am sure it sucks...
there were two other fires that day... crazy times...
yea... i still gotta finish the cancer genetics paper... :P
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