...so... an idle mind... is a devils workshop...

...i have been thinking... which is of course NEVER a good sign... where do i see myself in a year or two??? hmmm well... going to gradschool, i will be pretty much in amherst for the next three years... but... there are these long summers... what happens then... realistically... i work and make enough money to support myself through the next year... but hey... you have loans and credit cards to do that... right???
...ok... so what i am gettin at is... i want to travel around in europe... and africa... and ofcourse the rest of the world... i am "CURIOUS nafis" and i want to see it all... but that is ideally... realistically i will probably end up doing it in pieces... so here is the first... starting in turkey... going through middle east... north africa on to spain and portugal and back to turkey through southern europe... NO IDEA how much it is going to cost... but i guess i have a year or so to figure that out...
just thinking aloud nothing more... but if it does happen... it would mean i will get to see where i was born... oh the funnn...