Wednesday, February 13, 2008 the 3rd box alarm...

yea... that was... the 3rd one i think this week... and all 3 times... it woke me up... one in the middle of the night... one was at like 4 day before yesterday... and today... in such a horrible rainy day... i decide to take a nap in the afternoon... and guess what... something is burning down...

it wasnt that bad... it was an electrical malfunction... i was wet, cold and totally going the opposite direction in a one way road... thankfully the cop who was closing the road down pointed at a driving space for me to park... that was awefully nice of him...

anyway... this weather sucks... and i have tons of work... have to print photos for the 5 college photo exhibition starting at Smith next week... actually... some of you reading this might be in it... so you guys better check it out... i will tag a note when i make my final selection of the images going in...

and then shoot tomorrow... excited... and then off for the weekend...

right now... i need some rest... my three elipsis looks like six... i feel extremely sleepy... and tired... and toooooonnnnns of work...

enough said...

Monday, February 11, 2008

...and some venting...

... a couple of things have been really bothering me recently... its the surplus of unprofessional people... a little history... most of the photo work i have been doing does not involve any financial transaction... but recently... due to my growing credit card bills... i have decided its time i made some money to pay off my investment in equipment and so on... my very supporting friends in the dance dept and theater dept has obviously been my patrons...

...normally i would imagine you would schedule a shoot with a photographer you like... make an appointment...take care of business... shoot... he get you the images... end of story...

now... it has happened to me twice... people have asked me to do headshots... or simple modelling portfolios... and offered me money... being a nice guy... i have done the shoot... and sent them the photos without asking for an advance... in the first instance... she said i was going to get a check in the mail... 3 months later when i sent an emailing wondering if the check has been misplaced... i get a reply sayin something along the line.... "...I really dont like the headshots you did for me... i have no use for it... so i dont think it is worth it..."

now... i have found out later that... the photographs i took was used for publicity stuff... now the questions is... how unprofessional do you have to be... to pull a stunt like that...

first off... we had a deal... and that should be honored... and second... how do you get the nerve to complain about photographs that you have used...

... i know there are great photographers out there taking stunning photographs of people... i try my best... and obviously sometimes it lacks... but that doesnt mean i havent spent my time getting you a product that you asked for... so not being compensated at the end is absolutely ridiculous and a slap in the face... no matter how bad my work is... i dont think it deseves to be treated like that...

so... at the end... i have decided to create a little 'List' of people i am not working with anymore... might be just my bad luck or an absolute lack of picture taking abilities... but i think it is unacceptable non the less...

1. Katrina Ylimaki
2. Samantha Melchiorri

... i think that is enough for one night... here are some winter adventures so far...

...i had to miss my first week of school... its just school i thought... but i thought it was pretty much worth it...

anyway... touring with As I lay dying was pretty good... it involved a lot of driving... but totally worth the experience... i met up with them at the 9:30 club in DC and then followed them to Mr Smalls at Pittsburg...

hopefully they are suppose to play at a couple of venues in the northeast in april sometime... and i will get to see them again...

...this semester will probably keep me pretty busy with the last of my engineering classes, Control Systems and Probability... not fun... but its gotta be done...

things coming up...

...a trip to Florida during spring break... its very iffy i am sure... but if it does happen... i will get to visit Emil and see Daath in studio working on their new album... should be fun... and ofcourse... it would be a trip taken on four wheels...hopefully for whole duration of it...

...and this is more uncertain then the trip above... but there is a slight chance... i might end up spending weekends or more then a few days with the New York circus at some point... again... the project is still getting planned... but we will see what happens... :D